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Re: The question is subjective vs. objective and name calling settles nothing

My primary point is that obective results are more factual than subjective. Truth is based on fact not fiction. I believe it's understood by most that absolute objectiveness is impossible but to deny the advantages of relatively objective scientific approach and what advances of have been derived from this approach is fool hardy.
If you are offended by my name calling I retract ignorant and replace it with arrogant.
I also agree completely with your statements. Let's not forget that if it were not for attempts to explain phenomenon with objective approach, scientific or not, we would not have enough knowledge to even be discussing this issue now. Instead of of few points of view there would be millions.

Best wishes


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  • Re: The question is subjective vs. objective and name calling settles nothing - Hafdef 12/30/0121:52:32 12/30/01 (0)

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