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RE: the credibility was established at RMAF ...

"Hello !!

That is a great post you authored. Especially pointing out my lack of "self awareness", ...... that really hit me between the eyes.

Please let me explain to you, something that you, and perhaps many others, do not understand :

(1) I don't need to hear other people's amps, I have heard other people's manufactured and DIY SE amps, and P-P amps, conventionally designed and built, "all of my life, almost everywhere ". Only a handful impress me.

(2) I have been rude and condescending to others, mainly - NOT treating others with respect. THIS I PROMISE I will do my best to change, to exhibit a positive demeanor, henceforth !!

(3) These people who I trashed, likely have ZERO experience hearing Serious Stereo amps as I have, in a variety of systems, over a variety of occasions.

(4) Allow me ask you nicely, and without trying to raise a fuss, what is your personal experience, and the extent of you hearing Dennis' amps???"

excuses and followed by a lot of mumbojumbo....

1 you know so much and have so much experience... you still don't get it
2 you should have stopped right there...
3 people should be trashed because they haven't heard an amp build by a niche amp builder?
really... you're going to go with that ?
4 I don't give a FF about "experience with SS amps"... I don't give a FF about telling you my experience with anything

the mumbo jumbo... same as it ever was... you have soooo much experience... you know sooo much... that means it must be the only way.... you justify the SS methods because of your experience etc... yet many others have much more formal technical education, as much or more diy knowledge yet for them that is not enough to have any idea how a ss amp may perform...

you don't get...you're still in the my way is the only and best way...too bad... with such a closed mind you never learn anything... obviously been the way for many years... thats why you been kicked off so many audio forums..

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  • RE: the credibility was established at RMAF ... - awsjr 02/8/2210:17:41 02/8/22 (0)


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