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RE: the credibility was established at RMAF ...

Re: RMAFs ,

Likely more than anyone else, other than Dennis or his brother, I attended about ten of 12 year's worth of RMAF shows that Dennis did.

Yep, either drove or flew, from Kansas City to Denver - and back, on my dime.

I was usually in the Serious Stereo room, when someone like Herbie visited. I spent most of my RMAF time - in that demo room.

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**** I would like to report personally to all Forum Members, that the in-room results varied greatly, from year to year. ****

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The factor involved was the set up time, that the two brothers had. They had to self-drive their vehicle from Montana to Denver, fully loaded by the two of them. They arrived, usually tired, with a limited " unload and show set-up time " available to them, before the event was to commence.

Another lesser factor sometimes, might possibly be their choice of program material played.

In some years it was very easy for me to tell the TOTAL excellence of Dennis' amps and his GPA 604 MLTL speakers. In other years, with less set up time, they could sound less - than what they really were ..... at least to me !!! Cuthroat must have caught an off year, as best as I can deduce.

I can report however, that in me attending TEN shows, I have a very good idea as to Dennis' capabilities.

Dennis is superb in audio amplifier building. He is THE Master - as far as what I personally have heard.

Herb Reichert attended and reported in a few of the better set up years !! Hoorah.

Unlike those decent people who usually belittle Dennis, I often wonder what they would say, IF they had my listening time, over ten differing RMAF shows, to Dennis' amps??

However, what I really think is ...... that many, ( if not all ) of the critical posters, have never even heard what they are critiquing. And certainly not his latest amps. Nor will they. " Zero " direct experience. Could this be the equivalent of a blind person publicly critiquing a Monet painting ??

Since the fun and pivotal ( to me ) 2019 "MLP" get together in Livingston, Dennis ( and I ) have made great strides forward in amplifier performance. His latest amps, for many solid technical reasons, are super-high performing. He certainly is not standing still - at all .... and nor am I.

FYI : Dennis " amp and audio - mentors " me.

I usually simply follow his wise, highly experienced lead, and maybe put a few of my own ideas, into an amplifier's build " mix ". We two guys are very excited about what we are doing. Being on the same wavelength, we also have a LOT of fun discussing design, and doing it.

True story : One year on Interstate 70, going WEST in Colorado, I earned a $435 speeding ticket. Yep, in my Crown VIC Police Interceptor - on the way to Denver's RMAF show. 119 MPH, clocked.


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