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RE: it was your design ...

In 2021, I posted on another DIY forum, that two ten Ohm Stancor 320 mA. C-2708s did not " cut it " for me. The amp was boring and uninspiring to hear.

( If Cleartimestream used two of the ten ohm cheapies from Triad, as some people did, results would even be worse !!! Especially with no wire optimizations. )

I did share in a 2021 DIY thread how I went from two ten Ohm Stancor C-2708s ....... to two 6 Ohm chokes, Hammond 159ZAs. Using the usual L1/C1/L2/C2 filter topology. All became superb, listening wise. I posted before and after photos, page 1, maybe 2, of this choke swap, in that thread.

Under 20 Ohms was Mr. Fulton, way way back in 1982. Today it is 6 Ohms maximum, and two L/C sections in series.

From about 2018 on, DF and I have been using 6 Ohms or less. DF had some lovely 4 Ohms chokes custom made, which he enjoyed. That is what it takes to boogie. about 12 Ohms TOTAL, or less, both chokes. We both determined the choke's lead outs are nice if made of 12 AWG Mil Spec, m22759/11, a wideband wire with silver content. YMMV.

These 159ZA 6 Ohm Hammonds need 75 hours to break in. Their midrange is recessed - just a bit, until broken in. L1 should equal L2 in SE amps, if you want to avoid audible, objectionable sonic skewing. That consistently has been the case on all A-Bing at home on VOTTs.

Have fun. I do !!!


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