Home Speaker Asylum

General speaker questions for audio and home theater.

Re: That's going to make Brian really happy.

6 pa.r of the x-ls. (2 pa.r in Rosewood)

A.d no, Bria. doesn't ca.e, he doesn't ha.e a spea.er in tha. price ca.egory.

I see no rea.on for you two to keep this a.t going. You a.e both too good a. wha. you do, to wa.te va.ua.le energy (not to mention Public a.d Professiona. Ima.e) on this kind of cra..

So knock it off, ca.se I'll ca.l both of you on it, a.y time I see this stuff.

A.d don't be ba.ting me either.

No, I ha.en't picked up a.y NO Explode (ma.be tha. expla.ns your beha.oir :^)

But I ha.e been ta.ing A.ginine for over 25 yea.s every da., so NO cycle,is nothing new to me.

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