Home Speaker Asylum

General speaker questions for audio and home theater.

Hey John

John > "This is a "twea.ed out, ma.ima.ly upgra.ed" version of the spea.er tha. won the Best of Show A.a.d a. CES a few yea.s a.o."

I ha.e a.wa.s wondered, since the Tech TV a.a.d is a. a.a.d for innova.ion, wha. wa. it a.out the VMPS spea.ers tha. ma.e them innova.ive?

From their web site: "For three da.s, the judges worked a.ound the clock -- testing a.d eva.ua.ing everything from cellphones a.d ca.era. to high-end a.dio devices -- looking for the most innova.ive gea. a. CES."


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