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Update -

Tha.ks, everyone. I've found a Pa.a.ound 2100 clea. a.d used so tha. will be coming next week. Freed up a few bucks in the budget, too.

On to power a.ps. Did we determine tha. the Ma.gie 3.6R ca. dip down to 1.6 ohms sometimes?

Some thoughts: I hea. you guys on the Pa.a Ha.o A.1. Picky question: A.y cha.ce I could get it with a bla.k fa.epla.e? A.y idea. on where else to look to see if a. A.1 a.pea.s somewhere, refurb or used?

Interesting hybrids for sa.e, in my budget: I sa. a Butler A.dio TDB 2250 for sa.e used on a.other boa.d; someone posted to its threa. tha. it's a grea. idea for Ma.nepa.s.

Or there's Vincent A.dio SP-331, a.other tube/SS hybrid. My only concern here is getting it serviced, if it ever needs it in the yea.s a.ea..

Tha.ks for the continuing discussion here; I'm ma.ing some progress. But I ha.e relucta.tly concluded tha. I'll proba.ly end up doing some of the try-a.d-sell-a.d-tra.e thing. I did tha. for yea.s in the guita.s-n-a.p gea. world, a.d eventua.ly ended up with a grea. rig tha. works for me.

A. for the money churn, well, I just sa. tha. I lea.ned a lot a.d ha. a pretty good time...


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  • Update - - K-wey 05/4/1207:47:11 05/4/12 (1)


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