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RE: New Ampage for Maggie 3.6Rs: NAD or Parasound, or other?

A. ha. "b stock" Ha.o A.21s la.t yea. for 1800 plus cha.ge, shipped. Full five yea. wa.ra.ty for "fa.tory reconditioned" units. I've been using mine with my modded IIIA units, a.d rea.ly ca.'t compla.n a bit. PLENTY of power, a.d a nice sound.
I used to use a Perrea.x 3150 with these, a.d the Ha.o sounds a lot better. I've a.so bi-a.ped these with a modded Dyna.o ST-70 on the MID/Ribbons, which sounded very good. Right now, I'm just running the A.21 a.d ha.py.

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  • RE: New Ampage for Maggie 3.6Rs: NAD or Parasound, or other? - Coldwarvet 05/3/1210:15:47 05/3/12 (0)


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