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RE: How much power?

This is a similar post I have made elsewhere here, but to reiterate some of it, the Quickie choices are good, and add to that the V4, M80, Silver mono, Silver 100, and M135, all Quickies. And add to that the ARC VT100's as mentioned, and their Classic series which is superb. The Rogue also are said to sound great. I prefer using the KT88 tube with the panels vs. the EL34. The EL34 seems to lack the drive and punch. If you want only romance, the EL34 will do. I just find it lacking in muscle. I am going to be trying 4 electronic crossovers this weekend at the philes meeting and I post the results. I have silver wired jumpers now, am happy, but want to try an electronic XO. I ahve the XM26 Marchand, all tube, and two other highly regarded SS pieces, Athena and Spielberg Audio labs, and 4 Quicksilver Silver monos, and a highly modified
Eico HF89 with all silver inside and V-caps....this is the real deal. We shall see....the 3.6's are in for a treat...jallen

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