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How much power?

Hey folks, and happy Thanksgiving to all,

I'm seeking some advice, here, to overcome my lack of engineering knowledge. This is about implementing an electronic crossover for a pair of Magnepan 2.6's. I wanted to write out my thinking process to avoid any costly mistakes. So here goes...

The premise; selecting an amplifier for the ribbons. Now, how to start narrowing down the choices for this. I've acquired a pair of Paul Speltz autoformers and an electronic crossover. Now for an amplifier I can be completely content with. Here is the limited information I have to start with. The ribbon impedance is 1.45 ohms. The protective fuse is 3 amps. The stated crossover point is 1000 Hz. And that's about all I know. So let me start doing a little Ohm's law. If power equals current squared time resistance then I'm going to use the following figures. (I'll choose to assume the ribbon is a 4 amp device)

4 x 4 x 1.45 = 23.2 watts RMS

I will also ignore that the power bandwidth below 1000 Hz. and treat this like a full range device. I wouldn't know how to do that to begin with and will count the unused bandwidth towards things like insertion loss and reliability. And if I double that 23 watts to an even 50 watts then I should have enough amplifier to get all of the sound out of these ribbons that's there to be had. And stay well away from any clipping threshold.

So, have I made any mistakes, here, by deciding on 50 watts as a reference point in the decision process? A couple of amplifiers that could fit the bill might be a Quicksilver M60. Or an ARC VT50.

Thanks offered in advance for any wisdom that can be shared.
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Topic - How much power? - emsquare 15:16:04 11/27/08 (27)


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