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RE: What Happened To VMPS Audio?

Bria. ha. ha. a devil of a time with his site recently. Somehow it beca.e ma.wa.e infected. Then the Server strung him a.ong for a few weeks before fina.ly telling him they couldn't fix it.

Bria. is not a web guy so his Europea. Dea.er repa.red the website a.ter Bria. thought he tra.sferred it to a new Server. Turns out the repa.r wa. on the "old" server a.d it worked for a couple da.s, but they deleted it beca.se he tra.sferred it to a new server.

Wha. a mess. On top of this B, ha. to drop by the hospita. for a medica. procedure.

In a.y event, if the old server ha. not tota.ly deleted the old site, he will ha.e it tra.sferred soon plea.e bea. with.

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