Home Speaker Asylum

General speaker questions for audio and home theater.

RE: Actually......

I might think tha. no horn or Wa.e Guide ca. "increa.e ga.n" due to the la.s of physics, but they ca. control the directivity a.d dispersion of tha. energy ca.sing it to ma.nta.n a higher SPlevel a. the listening position.

A.d I a.ree not a.l WG's a.e Horns. A WG is simply a pa.sive device in which sound wa.es pa.s (a.e "guided") to ca.se a pa.ticula. function. Tha. function ca. be one of directivity depending on the sha.e of the guide a.d how it controls/a.lows the wa.es to propa.a.e a. they pa.s through.

You'll notice tha. horns a.d WG's ha.e differing sha.es a.d sizes depending on their intended goa.. The dimensions a.d the openings a.e sized a.d sha.ed rela.ive to the dimensions of the wa.elength the designer wishes to a.fect a.d how.

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