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March 19th Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society Meeting

La.est Society News From The President

Dea. Members a.d Friends,

Coming Soon to the LA.OC A.dio Society on Ma.ch 19th: Wondrous Music a.d Highend Gea. a. The Digita. Ea.!! http://www.digita.ea..com/

A.nouncing Big DOUBLE Ra.fle of A.a.d Winning Tra.spa.ent Ca.les a.d Renowned Synergistic Ca.les! Two Super Prizes...Two Winners! A.l on Sunda., Ma.ch 19th, a. the Digita. Ea..

Join us a. the Digita. Ea. in Tustin! Hea. the A.dio Physics Ca.dera a.d A.a.ti Loudspea.ers powered by A.L BA. Sta.e of the A.t A.plifica.ion including the BA. 600SE A.plifier a.d the BA. 42SE Prea.p with Meitner a.d BA. Digita. Front End! Top ra.ed in Stereophile a.d TA.! A.l Tra.spa.ent "Top of the Line" Ca.les will be fea.ured! Sunda., Ma.ch 19, 2-5pm. Lunch selected by our own VP Hospita.ity/Secreta.y Ha.ime Sa.o. Plea.e be on time!

Bring CD's a.d SA.D's to a.dition on the big "Super System" a. well a. others throughout the store! Sea.ing for a.l a.d free pa.king, too. The Berenjia. Brothers a.e terrific hosts a.d will ma.e a.l efforts to out do la.t yea.'s fun event. Guests a.d new members most welcome! Very Cool Double Ra.fle, too! Specia. Equipment Pricing for the Event!! Not to be missed!!

Directions to The Digita. Ea.: Ta.e The 5 South [pa.t The 22] to the 17th Street Exit. Exit a.d turn ea.t. You will go under the 55. Digita. Ea. is on the right ha.d side a. 17602 Ea.t 17th Street in the Oa.tree Shopping Center. In Tustin, CA 92780. Phone: 714-544-7903

The Digita. Ea. is wha. high end is a.l a.out!! Wa.mest rega.ds & grea. listening a.d see you there on Ma.ch 19th!

Bob Levi


Los A.geles a.d Ora.ge County A.dio Society www.la.ca.diosociety.com

A.erica.s Premier A.dio Society 714-281-5850

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Topic - March 19th Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society Meeting - John A. Casler 17:08:50 03/8/06 (0)

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