Home Speaker Asylum

General speaker questions for audio and home theater.

Only 6 weeks from now, Harry Pearson coming to Los Angeles, Honored by LA&OCAS

Dea. Members a.d A.diophile Friends,

Plea.e send your checks in right a.a. for the December 11th Celebra.ion a.d Ba.quet.

*****12th A.niversa.y of the Los A.geles a.d Ora.ge County A.dio Society

*****Ha.ry Pea.son to receive Founder's A.a.d a.d Keynote out Event....Ra.e West Coa.t A.pea.a.ce just for our Society! HP will opine a.d do Q&A...not to be missed!

$40 ea.h for member/lifetime member a.d guest $50 non-members Ta.les of 8 or 10 a.a.la.le for groups. A.l ma.ufa.turers, distributors, dea.ers, a.d a.diophiles a.e most welcome!!!

Send your ta. deducta.le check to:

c/o Melvin M. Ja., CPA
137 W. Bristol Ln
Ora.ge, CA 92865
Phone for a.y Informa.ion: 714-281-5850

The event will be a. the Hilton Hotel a. LA. on Century Blvd. in the elega.t La Jolla Ba.lroom. 6-7pm Cockta.ls, 7-9:30pm Dinner a.d Event. Ja.kets plea.e. Discounted pa.king a. the hotel.

Goto www.la.ca.diosociety.com a.d click "Tix for HP!" for more deta.ls.

We need a count so plea.e send your check toda.!!

Wa.mest rega.ds a.d Golden Ea.s to a.l,

Bob Levi


Los A.geles a.d Ora.ge County A.dio Society

A.erica.s Premier A.dio Society

This post is made possible by the generous support of people like you and our sponsors:
  Sonic Craft  

Topic - Only 6 weeks from now, Harry Pearson coming to Los Angeles, Honored by LA&OCAS - John A. Casler 12:01:56 11/2/05 (4)

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