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speaker buzz

I'll try to be as brief as possible. Forever now I've had a problem with a steady state BUZZ, not hum coming equally thru my A/G Duos. They are powered by Atma monoblocs connected to an Atma preamp. The powered sub of each speaker and it's dedicated m/bloc are plugged into dedicated a/c outlets. Digital sources ( two transports, one DAC ) are plugged into dedicated outlet fed P 300 and the TT motor is powered by another separate P 300 on another dedicated outlet. System is run all balanced except the transports to DAC feeds which are BNC and RCA respectively. All of this is fed by a brand new whole house Square D service panel ( which, upon installation last winter, had no effect on the buzzing good or bad ). Input trannies on amps exhibit no mechanical noises. Speakers buzz when only amps are turned on and preamp/sources are shut off. The colder the weather, the worse the problem gets. Cheater plugs installed on power cords to both amps and subs does nothing. 10 meter balanced lines connect preamp to amps. Amp manufacturer is of the opinion that the buzz is higher order odd harmonic of the 60 hz ac sine wave.

Does anybody have any insight to share based on the above and, Paul, do you have any products that might address it?

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Topic - speaker buzz - acres verde 13:03:20 01/28/10 (9)


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