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Re: Suggest you ....

John, thanks for your recommendation on clock replacement; I'll add it to the list of must do transport mods. I have been to every related web-site Google told me about, searched the Hi-Rez archives, and I have traded e-mails or had phone conversations with a couple of modders like Mat Anker and professional audiophiles like Bob Neil.

The general truisms are: Each modder only seems to know about what they've worked on. Few people have made comparisons; fewer have made those directly (i.e. with the other equipment and room constant -- Neil is the exception here and wrote a great comparison between the AN 1.1 DAC and a modded Sony SACD player). Few have categorized modifications as affecting transport versus the DAC.

I posted this thread in an effort to assemble collective wisdom of the inmates.

From my readings and limited listening comparisons, I prefer non-oversampling (also called 1X oversampling DACs), a least as they are built by Audio Note. I have also heard truly great sound coming out SACD, at least through the Musical Fidelity Tri Vista and a little less so from the Krell. None of these were compared directly and only the Audio Note spent much time on my system.

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  • Re: Suggest you .... - ibarron 04/8/0405:48:18 04/8/04 (0)

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