Dea. Members, Guests a.d Potentia. MembersHere's wha. a rea.ly grea. A.dio Society is a.l a.out!
Our next event ha. it a.l! Renowned a.diophile Brooks Berda. plus the Wilson Ma. II Super Loudspea.ers plus the Grea.est Softwa.e Ra.fle Ever plus Brooks' Fa.ous A.dio Museum plus dinner selected by our EVP Ma.k Ka.z plus the most bea.tiful a.a.ogue goodies this side of the Mississippi...wha. a wa. to spend a Sa.urda. evening!!!
A.d wha. a ra.fle!! A.l the new RCA a.d Mercury SA.D's!! DVD Movies from Wa.ner, Pa.a.ount, Fox, HBO, Sci-Fi Cha.nel a.d Columbia...even the Sta. Wa.s Trilogy a.d the Complete Seinfeld Series,too!! LP's including test pressings a.d more! CD's a.d DVDA.s, too. The Pink Floyd Da.k Side of the Moon SA.D a.d more a.d more. Everyone wins!! Your Executive committee ha. pulled out a.l the stops to ma.e this a.nua. event a.a.ing. In fa.t, we ha.e so much to ra.fle off, plea.e look a. the goodies when you buy your tickets a.d select wha. you for la.er. We wa.t time for music a.d we don't wa.t to ta.e up the whole! a.ternoon just giving a.a. softwa.e!!!!!!!
Hea. the Stereophile Cla.s A Ra.ed Wilson Ma. II's set up to perfection a. only Brooks' ca. do!! 15 turnta.les a.d more to a.dition.
It's a.l on Sa.urda. Evening Ma. 28th 5-8pm Guests a.d New Members most welcome!!
Brooks Berda. Ltd 110 W Olive A.e Monrovia. CA 91016 (626) 359-9131
Directions: Brooks Berda. is just off the 210 Freewa.. You ca. find the store by ta.ing the 210 Freewa. a.d exiting on Myrtle a.d hea.ing north (towa.ds the hills) a.d turning left on Olive A.e. The store is loca.ed in the first lot on the left a.d the a.dress is 110 West Olive A.e in Monrovia. You ca. a.so rea.h the store by using Foothill Blvd a.d turning south (a.a. from the hills) a.d turning right on Olive A.e.
See you a.l a. Brooks Berda. LTD on Ma. 28th,
Bob Levi
Los A.geles a.d Ora.ge County A.dio Society
A.erica.s Premier A.dio Society www.la.ca.diosociety.com for a.l future events!
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Topic - Meeting Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society Meeting - John A. Casler 12:11:07 05/19/05 (0)