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High Efficiency Speaker Asylum: Re: Dinsdale & W.W. slotted port - one more thing - Caps by Tom Dawson

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Re: Dinsdale & W.W. slotted port - one more thing - Caps

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Hi, Freddy -

No, they're the B&C ME75 90x40 degree horn, I got them from Northern Sound and Light and they're really close to the JBL 2380A but maybe a half inch smaller in both mouth dimensions - I bought them because they're 1/4" thick cast aluminum & don't need additional brackets to support a 2445. I went this route to save the effort of casting concrete horns & to make some concession to keeping the weight down - actually, when mounted, they're surprisingly well damped & I figure just a moderate amount of gunk on the outside of the flare should clean up most of the remaining resonance. As far as the caps go, I bit the bullet & went with the polyprops - got them direct from Solen for $50.00 apiece which isn't so bad considering they're 330uF, 250V each & I need that high a voltage rating with a 500wpc amp! But you're right about going deaf - I've played just one basement blaster for a total of six hours over the last three days testing things out, usually way below clipping & my ears are still ringing a little. I definitely will have to treat these puppies with respect - the BB doesn't distort or compress much & I find myself playing it louder than I should.

Talk to you soon -

Tom Dawson

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Topic - On Dinsdale on Horns. (long) - Paul Eizik 13:44:02 04/16/03 ( 14)