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Hello I'm Vinyl Reviews

About a month ago a small team and I launched a new website called www.vinylreviews.com with the primary goal of having regular vinyl quality (not music, vinyl quality) reviews by professional writers. We place special emphasis on vinyl reissues and we try to track down the audio source and mastering information for each review. We also have audience ratings for albums, so not just the reviewers rating matters, audience counts as well.

The site also has news, upcoming releases, and videos sections. But the reviews are the backbone.

Please take a look at the site, bookmark it if you like it, we are rolling out more user features and contests as time moves along. The Vinyl Reviews team are collectors and our hearts are in the right place, we want there to be an easy place to go to find out if an album was pressed well, mastered for vinyl, what a reissues audio source is, jacket quality, and how a reissue compares to previous releases.

And please, let me know what you think.

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  Kimber Kable  

Topic - Hello I'm Vinyl Reviews - VinylReviews.com 14:34:47 08/31/18 (9)


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