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As a Sherwood owner I'll throw my hat into the ring

Just my two cents worth but here it goes. The Sherwood is a wonderful stereo. What more can I say about it that I haven't already said.

All you really are doing at this point is adding a different flavor to the music.

What I did was build a VTA ST-70 and added the Gold Lion KT66 output tubes. Holy CRAP! I'm done. At this point the only piece of gear I would ever want is a Marantz 8b or a Citation II. If you have the inclination to try and top the Sherwood is build the VTA or look for a Citation and skip the Mac.

The VTA is tight and articulate sound. A nice change up in tube sound from the Sherwood in a nice but different way.

Yes I am editing this and adding this part.

The new VTA ST-70 has a more modern tube sound. More energy on top and bottom while still keeping the midrange lush. It's not overly bloomy but very well balanced FR. Punchy were it's supposed to be with great micro and macro dynamic clarity. I think the 70 would be a good addition. As opposed to just adding onto what you already have a good example of!!!

What I do is rotate my system every month. One month the Sherwood. The next month the VTA. I don't switch them that frequently and they also don't just sit on a shelf unused.


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