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RE: Need help understanding what to look for in finding a 1 : 1 / 1X direct probe for a Sencore SC61

10X probes have a range of inputs that can be compensated - 1 meg / 30 pF is a typical scope input. Has nothing to do with probe tip capacitance. The voltage divider in the tip isolates the cable capacitance from the tip, so the circuit loading is minimized. 1X probes DON'T have compensation and since they don't have a divider, the cable capacitance is added to the 'scope capacitance and will load your circuit under test.

The Sencore probes have an extra voltage divider for the voltmeter input, but standard probes will work without this feature.

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  • RE: Need help understanding what to look for in finding a 1 : 1 / 1X direct probe for a Sencore SC61 - Tom Bavis 01/17/1207:05:47 01/17/12 (0)


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