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RE: Elecrolytic capacitor reforming

Less than 1 mA should be OK - it represents less than a half-watt dissipation at 450V. I WOULD be concerned if you see any jumps in current after it has stabilized. Still no guarantee that they won't short out tomorrow... be sure any circuit where you use these is fused (if slow-blow, 1.2 to 1.5 times normal current)

Filtering is dependent on capacitance value and ESR (equivalent series resistance). High ESR can result in heating even if the DC leakage is OK. You can use an ESR meter or measure it with a 'scope and audio generator at 100 KHz or so.

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  • RE: Elecrolytic capacitor reforming - Tom Bavis 08/17/1213:36:24 08/17/12 (0)


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