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RE: what is correct harmonic profile of SE DC 2A3 amp?

Haven't you already demonstrated that lower distortion at full power ALSO EQUATES TO LOWER DISTORTION AT LOWER POWER ? ? ?

"Correct harmonic profile" ? ?? ? ? ? ? Would you believe me if I told you what it is ? I mean, if I made up some numbers and said, "this is it" ??

Considering the numbers of variables involved, is it at all realistic to even try for a specific "profile" ? ? ?

Based on your earlier experiments with a 7B4/12AX7, that you dismissed after measuring distortion and bandwidth issues, how is it that you still find reverence for the same source of this (proven) "less than ideal" advise ?

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  • RE: what is correct harmonic profile of SE DC 2A3 amp? - GSH 04/7/1418:02:40 04/7/14 (1)


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