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RE: I've used Foobar2000 for years and see no reason to change

FWIW, I use Foobar 2000 with ASIO.

ASIO, KS, DS, and WASAPI can all output bit-perfect streams, but at least for me, ASIO has proved by far the most reliable when listening to media of different bitrates.

Some of the others wouldn't reliably get the hardware to auto-switch, and I'd have to go into the driver config tool and manually indicate the current bitrate. ASIO works 100%.

IIRC, this was more of a factor with the E-MU 0404, but it also doesn't hurt with the Meridian Explorer.

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  • RE: I've used Foobar2000 for years and see no reason to change - telackey 05/13/1908:59:47 05/13/19 (0)


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