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RE: MGIIc's low bass popping

The Maggie does consume a bit of power. My 3.6 crossed over at 80Hz for a sub still need 400wpc into 4 ohms to cover 80-250Hz. This will get the lights to flash on a Bryston 4BST, not exactly a testosterone deficient amp. I can consume about 400wpc and only make about 93-95dB at 1M in my very large room. Speakers are about 6ft. from the rear wall. I have used the Rotel 1080 at 400wpc into 4 ohms, the Legacy/Coda 600wpc/4Ohms, the Proton amp, and the Quicksilver V4, but the Quickies ran out of juice pretty quick. The Parasound JC-1 worked well also. Get some power, and external Xover, a sub, and they will stand up and bark. They become far more dynamic than you could imagine.

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