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RE: Maggie Cable recomendation

The Cardas Neutral Reference have been good, as the Golden reference. The Golden REf's a bit warmer. The AQ cables have been also good. I have tried the CV 4.2 and sonically they were very good. The cardas is better is finesse however. The crossover is more important. My friend has the 201., I have the 3.6. Amplification is critical as well. The Bryston was too thin, as the Spectron was. The Music Reference RM200 was too ripe, and slow. The Marchand XM26 XOVER was too warm, so now we are about to try the XM44...The Quicksilver silver mono amps did a good job on the 20.1's. The best amp was a custom made variation of the Eico HF89, run biamped, each rated at 70wpc.

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  • RE: Maggie Cable recomendation - Jallen 02/22/0908:28:56 02/22/09 (0)


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