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Re: Quad ESL 57?


For me, your post is a little unclear. I gather one speaker was working and you swapped in the working speaker's EHT ?

You swapped 3 EHTs in the non working speaker and still no go?

You replaced the "working" EHT back into the working speaker and now even it does not work?

I'd first check my wiring to make sure it was correct. I 'd check to see that I actually swapped back the "working" EHT into the working speaker..you may have inadvertantly gotten confused.

To go any further you need to get one speaker working...or alternatively you need a multimeter with a high voltage probe to take some measurements.

If you have a multimeter with probe check the EHT unloaded (no panels connected)for voltage(6000v for bass, 1500v for treble maybe higher if unloaded) ,if nothing, stop here and check the transformer for ac voltatge by unloading the transformer from the EHT or checking for continuity on the transformer with no voltage on it.

If good, systematically load the EHT with each panel and see if you have significant drop in voltage.

I suspect a wiring error or bad panels that load down the EHT. Your EHT has about $5.00 worth of parts on it you should rebuild it before going further regardless.

If this sounds all too complicated maybe have someone give you a hand or send it off to someone who can help.

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  • Re: Quad ESL 57? - AJ 12/28/0607:21:15 12/28/06 (1)

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