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Re: amp for Quad 988 again


What's your budget?.. how big is your room? How loud to you want to play? understantding that the quads will only go so loud before they sort of shut down literally and figuratively.

Push-pull works well to grab hold of the panels and take control; no more than 100watts is necessary. Audio Research or VTL works. I've had good luck and spooky bass with the Berning ZH270.

I have the original Quad II on hand, Citation II, Marantz 5&8b etc..

Although, recently,I have had great sounds come out of the USA monitors (the 988's cousin) with a 18 wpc Wyetech 211 SET with no real compression at all. It's a pretty special amp though. So I wouldn't necessarily say that 18 wpc is enough in all cases.. You must try and see. The Wyetech is really quite something.I think it bests everything I've tried.

So, your budget and priorities will dictate your amp. I'm more inclined to believe you should go 6550 push-pull if you want to stay traditional. The quads need control and these larger amps do it well. You do lose some of that inner air and sweetness though. I like the the el34 but not on the later quads. The Berning is awesome if you can find one or wait for one to be built and have the funds.The bass from the Berning has to be some of the best in the business.

Good Luck...YMMV and all that..lot's of opinions on this in the archives...

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