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Any comments on PHY drivers in commercial units or DIY?

I briefly heard an itteration of the Musical Affairs speaker sometime ago and was thinking of going down this path.

I have a Wyetech Topaz 211, Berning zh270 Marantz 2's etc. 80% vinyl, in a 12 x 20 room. Don't listen loud and currently using Quad esl 57 and USA monitors. Hard to give up on what the ESLs do right.

Any comments on Solovox, Musical Affairs, Oceillia or well documented DIY? No option to go to large horns etc as the WAF won't currently allow it.

Your comments are welcome... thank you in advance.


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Topic - Any comments on PHY drivers in commercial units or DIY? - AJ 11:15:23 11/29/08 (21)


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