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Re: Yes

I'm not too sure if accuracy can be defined in the context of recorded music and agree with Rodney Gold that there may not be an answer to the question. Each designer I'm sure has their own ideas and philosophies about what makes a piece of equipment accurate, assigning relevance to different mixes of variables. Some of the designers may actually get it correct but with no commandments of accuracy we will never really know which it is, ultimately we must rely on our instincts to make the determination and succumb to the probability that accuracy can not be defined by a measurement or a statement.

I do agree distortion patterned properly can be irrelevant to the music the key being harmony. Also key would be using an input from the same techological era as the rest of the equipment after all, generally, that is what the input was originally voiced/referenced with wasn't it? Or does it not work like that?

Getting back to the term accuracy, I speculate that the term "an accurate system" is sometimes confused with one lacking of proper harmonics, with musical harmonics wiped clean or dirtied the unmusical "flaws" which have little harmonic structure become relatively magnified and draw attention. How else could "an accurate system" be unsatisfying musically? I would think a truly accurate system would more satisfying to a greater number of disks than an inaccurate one instead of the general belief of the opposite.

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  • Re: Yes - Hafdef 07/22/0317:04:02 07/22/03 (1)
    • Exactly! - Janos 15:44:13 07/24/03 (0)

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