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Nah Not too young, just too forgetful! Yeah, first SS ARC sucked.. I do like my PH-2 though

The Audio Research all balanced phono box the PH-2 never did get a review.
$2,400. list and i picked up used for $700. Good deal if the PH-2 is put on a great powerline conditioner. Same for the Solid state Sp-15.. (just phono section tubed) The Sp-15 kills the Sp-10 IF the Sp-15 is on a good powerline conditioner. (I sold an SP-10, got my money back out of it AND enough to pay for the Sp-15.. Life was grand then. IMO that SP-10 may have needed better tubes, but the Sp-15 just destroyed the SP-10..Folks buying the Sp-10 at inflated prices? sorry they are being duped by legend and word of mouth. I had them both side by side... All IMO of course.)
Anyway.. yeah. But those little quibbles.. And it was still when reviews could break a company.

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  • Nah Not too young, just too forgetful! Yeah, first SS ARC sucked.. I do like my PH-2 though - Elizabeth 03/18/1214:23:12 03/18/12 (0)


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