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Mysteries of the limbic system

No, seriously.

I am not claiming to have super powers. I only claim to have worked hard to get access to "normal" human powers, some of which are pretty remarkable.

I was driving on a semi-limited access divided four-lane road. I had my car's windows closed but the system set to "fresh air." It was a somewhat breezy day. A car was slowly overtaking me on the left. I was driving about 50 mph--the limit. All of a sudden, I had an instinctive, eww, who is smoking a nasty cigar? reaction. There were no cars in front of me in either lane for at least a quarter mile.

I looked left. Yup, Mr. Water-Cooled New Porsche 911, who was just then pulling even with me, was smoking a big cigar. With his car windows closed. OK, let's do the math. His car's system was exhausting cabin air out the back, air which had cigar smoke in it. Some of that air was caught by a gust of wind. The wind brought an increasingly diluted concentration of cigar smoke forward of both cars, and I drove into a hugely diluted cloud, some of which entered my car's system, and I smelled it--immediately. At the parts per billion level. I identified the smell, no conscious thought involved.

Sound works on the limbic system too. It's a survival thing. Your brain is hard-wired to over-ride conscious thought and redirect your eyes in the direction a loud sound comes from.

Years ago at CES, I heard an all-Audio Note Japan system with an IIRC $67,000 amp and $19,000 two-way bookshelf speakers. Within a few minutes, I recognized it as one of the standout systems I had ever heard in my life.

However, finding the right words to describe what I was hearing would have taken weeks if not months.



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  • Mysteries of the limbic system - John Marks 03/25/0807:10:53 03/25/08 (0)


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