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RE: Re: The Swipe at Continuum

I recall the distributor (I won't try to spell his last name) writing here that TAS (I believe it was Pearson) requested a review sample following Michael Fremer's glowing report, but were rebuffed, as I recall, because the distributor had none to loan.

I keep trying to talk myself into subscribing to TAS for no other reason than to try to keep a high end publication on the racks. It is the same reason I buy retail rather than used. Fortunately, I have the financial wherewithall to do so.

But then comes the Valin flap, and the TAS non-handling of the matter. And Pearson attributing a quote in his column to Michael Fremer in which he claims that Michael Fremer called the Continuum table the best sounding turntable on the market, and, after Michael Fremer corrects him that he only called it the best he had heard, and that he could not call it the best turntable because he has not heard all of the turntables on the market, Pearson retracts his comment with a retraction placed in a small corner of a page in an otherwise non-descript page, for all intents and purposes hidden. In that retraction, Pearson then clarified, with words to the effect, that Fremer's description made it sound like the best turntable made.

And Valin's comments on the table. And then I put my checkbook away, and head to the library a block from my office.

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  • RE: Re: The Swipe at Continuum - jamesgarvin 03/24/0808:42:55 03/24/08 (0)


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