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< < maybe someone should document the provable facts (loan dates, models, serial numbers, "for sale dates", etc) and circulate these > >

Well, this incident was widely circulated at the 2007 CES by the cable company in question via conversations. (I wasn't there, but JA's post linked below substantiates this.)

< < Two possible outcomes:

1) TAS continues to defend JV (in which case TAS will probably "go under")
2) TAS decide to drop JV like a hot potato (more likely scenario) > >

You missed the actual outcome. (This incident occurred over a year ago.) TAS swept everything under the rug. Nobody (besides Ayre) seemed to care very much. Same writers, same editors, same readers, same advertisers (less one).

< < Use by a writer of magazine reviews to "exact revenge" is "abuse of media power" > >

I agree. (Note that TAS is not the only "magazine" to do this. If you search the archives you will see where the online "magazine" written by Arthur Salvatore dumped all over the Ayre C-5xe because we caught them apparently trying to sell a unit purchased by a manufacturer on accommodation.)

< < Charles, I agree with your sentiments, but don't think you've taken things far enough... > >

Well, I've taken it much farther than anyone else in the world. I've told the story to the general public (on this forum). I've sent a letter to the publisher informing him that we would drop our advertising unless there were substantive changes made. (He politely informed me that it was an internal matter that had already been dealt with.) We followed through with our stated intentions. I'm not sure what more I could do, and even if there were something, it's not clear that it is my place to do so. After all, it wasn't my equipment that was stolen.

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  • Well... - Charles Hansen 03/24/0808:58:06 03/24/08 (0)


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