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I have rarely encountered such fuzzy thinking.

"I have never heard...two CD players that sound exactly the same."

And based on that, you conclude that all the CDPs in question "sound different," even though you haven't compared and evaluated all of them? You have careened into yet another non sequitur. (See Hume's principle of empirical verifiability.)

"Or do they all sound the same to you, which is most likely the case."

I think any reasonable person -- and I acknowledge that reason is always in short supply at this venue -- would exercise a healthy skepticism as to the dogmatic claims that "they all sound different"/"they all sound the same."

"By calling my comment 'an unsubstantiated claim' on an audio hobbyist newsgroup, exactly what are you talking about?"

Don't stoop to editing my remarks. The phrase reads: "unsubstantiated knowledge claim." I'm merely pointing out that by insisting all the CDPs in question "sound different," when you haven't taken the time to evaluate and compare the units to which you refer, amounts to a dogmatic approach (on your part) which prompts you to make a general claim that you cannot support. What you have done is not unlike what Jim Austin was taken to task for when he penned his article, "Chips for Chumps." (You have made a broad, sweeping knowledge claim without *auditioning* the gear.)

Simply put, you lack the *knowledge* to make such a claim about the CDPs in question due to a lack of *experience* with the units. Some would call it intellectual dishonesty on your part, but I'm more inclined to chalk it up to a subjectivist, knee-jerk mentality born of ideological rigidity.

Of course, if you can produce documentation demonstrating that you've put in the necessary *work* evaluating said units then I will happily retract my statements. But even then, your conclusions only apply to you and your listening room. Other listeners might experience decidedly different results (even to the point of admitting some of the CDPs sound the same). And perhaps someday you, too, will discover some CDPs that sound identical. Or does your dogmatism on this point rule out that possibility?

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  • I have rarely encountered such fuzzy thinking. - regmac 09/14/1109:55:38 09/14/11 (1)


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