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"Chips for Chumps" Redux:

Hello Mr. Curl:

I have enormous respect for your work and zero interest in rehashing old grievances. But for those who weren't here at the time: IIRC, Jim Austin's chief mistake (as far as you and Charles Hansen were concerned), was in his failure to demo the device before pronouncing it worthless. But my focus lies elsewhere today. If this inexpensive chip provides pronounced sonic improvements for audiophiles, as many claimed on here at the time, then the sales numbers should reflect that fact.

After all, what self-respecting audiophile *wouldn't* invest a few bucks in order to obtain a demonstrable sonic improvement? Since many industry-types post here, I'd be curious to learn if anyone has seen credible data reflecting robust sales for the chip. I have no dog in this fight, never having heard the device in question. I'm merely curious as to whether the historical sales figures reflect the passionate claims made by audiophiles on behalf of the "Intelligent Chip" when it was first released.

If sales have proven to be anemic over the years (since the initial spike) then one might be forgiven for questioning the veracity of the enthusiastic claims made at the time. I say this because it's my recollection that the chips needed to be replaced on a frequent basis.

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