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Re: Yep, it is pointless

"It is fruitless arguing about subjective opinions on the web or anywhere else, and on the web, lightly moderated boards like AA where folks share subjective opinions are simply a beehive of arguments. The bigger disadvantage about web boards of which AA is prime example, is that most objective opinions are shouted down for very flimsy reasons, whilst the subjective opinions of overactive imagination find support , worse still, these opinions are generally formed on the basis of very weak methodologies but the larger audience on most web are lay and generally have a very low appettite for rigorous scientific or engineering treatment which forms basis of arriving at valid objective conclusions.

Charles Hansen castigation of Jim Austin and his article "Chips for Chumps" is a classic example of the common fodder you see daily n the werb. In this case Charles basically tried to lower the bar of acceptibility by claiming that Jim article was improper because he (Jim) had not personally listened to the device, casually ignoring the fact that no-one has successfully vouched for the effectiveness of the device under controlled test conditions nor have the creators of the device being able any advance credible explanation for how it works. But as expected in true internet fashion, most of the troops are lining behind Charles even though his criticism has very little merit.

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