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I must say ...

that in the following you've provided a enormously lucid description of the ethos of the group commonly referred to as the Extreme Objectivist camp, what you call Measurement Fundamentalists and to which we could add DBT Fundamentalists, etc, etc.

"The suggestion that if you're skeptical of what you hear and don't completely trust your senses you won't hear anything is unsupportable and--worse--it's the manifestation of an implicit (and inaccurate) belief that this whole audiophile endeavor is amazingly fragile, that if you examine it too hard it will all fall apart."

It is precisely their belief that the "whole audiophile endeavor is amazingly fragile" that leads them to insist one need only take steps to defeat "belief bias" and and presto! "it will all fall apart".

I also agree that what we're seeing is in part a reaction to this, more specifically that many believe that your "Chips for Chumps" was an example of precisely this sentiment. Moreover I don't think you are entirely blameless in this regard as there was much in the article which could be, IMHO, interpreted that way.

It is in this sense that I believe your article was similar to the the earlier Holt's article in which he registered his reaction to Belt tweaks. I believe both cases involved over reaction, even if such was understandable given the circumstances; Holt reacting to the absurd Belt explanations, you to the equally bizarre GSIC explanations.

The other part of the reaction (recall I said *in part* above) I believe is due to something something human, something all too human ... the bruised egos of industry prima donas donas. I leave it to you to decide if in your (understandable) righteous indignation to absurd explanations for future oddball products, and trust me they'll be others, if it is wise to upset industry prima donas. However, if you asked me I'd say ... Give em' Hell! ... just try to avoid pissing off sensible reasonable folk, you know, like me. LOL

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  • I must say ... - bjh 05/31/0608:09:14 05/31/06 (0)

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