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Your anger is misplaced.

You should be upset with those that provided the bullshit explanations that even you don't "believe a word of".

That's the issue! Is anyone hounding Hansen because he says that wooden blocks under cables improve sound? No, because he hasn't provided some frigin bullshit explanation for the operating principle.

Now if he were to come out and say ...

"It has now become obvious that the principle of operation can only be explained with reference to Quantum Electro Dynamics."

... that would be another matter altogether!

You have become associated with quackery because of the crap that has been dished out about how the GSIC works. Please note that this has nothing to do with the question "does the GSIC work?". On that question I suggest you be a man and just say ... Damn Right, and I don't give a hoot how! If you can't do that at least consider doing the favor of pointing your aggression at a suitable target.


There a lot in that Chips for Chumps that I cringe at ... I posed my objections at the time ... but noting to do with the bruised egos of industry prima donnas.
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