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Neutral Cable Reference I [ improved ] USB Cable

eutral Cable is one of those lines of products in which I believe have gone unnoticed for far to long, and it is one in which I believes deserve to be considered by anyone whom considers themselves more of a music lover as opposed to an audiophile. In saying this, I find its sonic merits are more inline with those whom aren't the types whom constantly pursue the latest greatest fad, but instead are more inclined to understand the voicing process in which cable should be viewed as a component in itself....., as I've found that by selecting ones cables with attention to what you or your system deserves is merely a means of understanding the finer points within the actual notes themselves as rendered as heard | felt during live events.

While I came across this line of USB cables several years ago, with their entry level USB ( blue version as seen on their site ) and loved it's overall means of producing notes so much that I went onto recommend it to anyone in which I knew deserved outside the norm, yet more then capable of making music as opposed to mere sounds......., as the years have passed I had began to notice that Fabio ( the co-owner of said company along with his wife ) had in fact began offering improved versions on a few of their cables. And having fond memories of said standard USB I became curious as to know just how much better it had become.

Taking order of said USB as well as their top of the line Reference USB I ( improved ) proved to be one of ( if not the very best ) ventures I've encountered over the course of the last 5 years in attempting to assemble my music server from scratch, and while I've kept my eyes open on a few well priced dedicated music servers over said time, I've to say that having added a JCAT USB Isolator and an iFi Audio iPurifier 2 in tandem with it had caused me to feel while I'm certain there are items like better LPSs | USB cables which with enhance said front end even more......., I've become rather reluctant to change one item.

Yet upon placing said Reference I ( OCC Silver | 7N purity ) into my system made me more then aware for the very first note, something very special was going on. It was as if the notes took on a life of their own which were fashioned in such a manner the only thing that came to mind was a sense of purity in which I've never heard in my entire time with our shared hobby short of having listened to an extremely well matched system approaching all of $300.000......., and while I'm very very very happy with the sound of my Audience AU 24 SE ( which cost $895|1m by the way ) so it's expected both offer different sonics, yet it's very easy to justify living with both, as used in tandem offers a signature which merely allows each note to shine through as if anew......., here I'm referring to beauty of note where the very top end extension is handled very nicely where one finds what I've found a very fine line where detail | resolution | and delicacy exist in nature......., with a added sense of spaciousness in which I've never encountered beforehand...., while the midrange is presented in a weightier manner where it seems as if things are being more filled out if you will, hear once again the only words which come to mind are textural beauty with a sense of silence as well as purpose added to each | every single note.

Instruments like trumpets | saxophones | flutes spoke to me in ways I'd only allow my wife to do. While cymbals and rim-shots were displayed beautifully with a lingering effect which seemingly lasted for seconds after the initial strikes, this was in fact a very very organic meres of merely layering these types of effects which should cause anyone with a decent enough ear whom understand how the pitch or tonality of each of these said instruments relate to one another in real time......., with understand there's a certain cohesiveness which brings about say we say an extra layering within the sound standing itself where one can form a clearer sense of separation of notes as heard in three layers......

The one area in which surprised me was the lower bass or mid-bass ( as heard in my beloved, yet carefully voiced mini-monitors......., but in truth I've to add that a pair of Clear Day Cables standard speaker cables were indeed the very first time I had ever been exposed to silver conductors doing bass, which to my ears out did copper ) was indeed a revelation in how it dug deep and was grounded as far as foundation goes......., here I'm talking about notes which weren't altered in any manner as the music became more and more complex......, there's a sense of timing going on here that held me glued to my seat with nothing more then a sense of awe.

Once again, I can only say as compared to several USB cables in which I've been fortunate to borrow from the Cable Company or Friends | Associates over the years ranging from $150 ( which I can proudly say the Neutral Cable standard Blue USB is the very best I've heard | own ) upwards of $1.200, where many of these are mentioned in countless reviews or forums as being the only ones of worth........, I'm here to say BS!, as music isn't about detail at the expect of beauty, and cabling, nor ones system should be one which displays what I've come to often refer to as " Hi-Fi Effects " where each has an uncanny way of drawing a listener in, yet overtime these effects begin to wear on ones nerves as it becomes clear one is taken in by sounds tying to mimic things like trains running down the tracks, or being able to hear a butterflies wings flapping in the rear left hand corner of ones speaker......., yet when one allows themselves to become accustomed to pitch | tonality | timbre of each instrument it then becomes clear that said effects don't have anything to do with musicality and the inner beauty therein.......

I'd ask that each of you whom value the very essence of music, as well as the messages which lie hidden within do yourselves a favor and call me out on this one, as stated......, this company is more deserving of ones attention more so then most.

Musik Non-stop.......

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Topic - Neutral Cable Reference I [ improved ] USB Cable - el34eh@yahoo.com 13:13:39 05/23/17 (19)


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