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Re: Ha!

I really must have got the wrong message across. What I was saying is that I think I really found a special amplifier in the Jolida 302B. I was asking you guys about it because I have only had it in my system for 3 days, and was curious about long term satisfaction. I am probably going to buy this amp in the next few days, and I am in no way going to be embarrassed...to the contrary, I'm going to be really proud that I found this giant killer of an amplifier! So cheers to you and all those others out there who found Jolida way before me, and I'm going to be proud to join the club of Jolida owners who are listening to more music and less equipment!



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  • Re: Ha! - jackgribble@cox.net 03/22/0409:34:06 03/22/04 (0)

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