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Can you share your thoughts about JoLida?

I have been studying and researching and asking questions about putting together a system. Right now, I am very strongly decided about building a Spendor 1/2 speaker and Jolida tube system.

My local store, Deja Vu, sells these components and I feel they sell them because they are extremely high quality.

What are your thoughts about the Jolida line as of Fall 2003? How do they compare with Rotel? Is there a clear winner to you?

What would be the difference between different wattage Jolida tube amps? Will the more powerful Jolida tube amp always sound better?

Are there other considerations when choosing a particular wattage tube amp? Is it true that one tube watt is equal to two or three SS watts?

What do you think of a Jolida/Spendor system? I am looking for a rich, warm non-fatiguing sound I can listen to for hours. Thanks in advance for any help and info and advice you might want to share.

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  Kimber Kable  

Topic - Can you share your thoughts about JoLida? - blink 02:24:29 09/5/03 (10)

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