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RE: Audio Research SP8...Experts need your help

You want a MK II for sure. There were 7 revisions as I recall.

If you go on to the ARC data base you will likely see the difference between a MK 1 and a MK II in the board layout.

MKI FP type caps in the B+ MEPCO brand

MKII 2 axial caps Sprauge brand in the B+ and a totally different board than the MKI with different series pass regulator tube compliment.

The MKII was a significant improvement over the MKI

With regard to revisions .. my opinion is they are less relevant than the MKI to MK II... you can only tell the revision by looking on the board for the indicator 1-7 .

I purchased a new original MK I then upgraded by the factory to MK II and owned it for about 30 years.

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  • RE: Audio Research SP8...Experts need your help - AJ 05/26/1611:08:40 05/26/16 (0)


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