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It's too bad...

that you don't have an e-mail link: I would have preferred that avenue of direct further communication with you, instead of returning (here) to what is now a previous page of postings. I only "stopped back" at this post to see if by any chance you had followed-up re: your pre-amp decision.

Sorry to hear about your "bad" experience with the 120's (you never clarify if you have the Magnum version or not?). I have not seen the interior of non-magnum version 120's so can't comment on that. I DO know that my first Rogue experience was auditioning the Tempest integrated (non-Magnum, I'm not sure off the top of my head if there is even a Magnum option with this unit) and I didn't much care for the pre-amp section (not sure if it's the same as their separate "66" pre-amp unit or not?); it did sound MUCH better when using the power amp section separately and partnered with the giant-killer Bottlehead Foreplay. Then I had a chance to pick-up a Magnum 88 and just on it's own thought it was substantially better, both build and sound wise (again comparing it to the non-Magnum 88 power amp section of the Tempest).

I have read here that many are really happy with non-Magnum units, but for me, I would always and firstly recommend going with the Magnum versions of Rogue products. Again, you make no reference as to which 120's you have. I'd think you just might find the build quality more than just a bit better (?), and I'd be very surprised if you didn't find a vastly superior improvement in sound. And always make sure your tubes are good!

Don't worry about "pouring cold water" here-I'm really happy with my Magnum 120's-bought an "older" set through a long-standing and trusted (by myself and his other customers) dealer that I've done business with for years now. And they came from the Rogue factory (I think they were some "over-stock" Rogue bench-test reference units)after being given the proverbial "once-over", all inspected, and tested out to factory specs with fresh tubes. And I have not had any bad experiences (other than solely and directly related to bad tubes) with any of the 3 different amp units (Tempest; Magnum 88; Magnum 120's) I have tried/owned. Why don't you give Rogue a call, I'm sure that co-owner/designer Mark O'Brien would want to do whatever he can to make the amps "right" again-even if you did buy them used-and you may want to consider the Magnum upgrade. Part of the risk buying used-never can be sure how things were (mis)treated, and there is such a thing as mechanical failure rate, and depending how "old" your units are, there indeed has been a history of some reliability issues and quality variance when Rogue was first getting off the ground. I believe that may have been due to the curve of being a new company and finding a reliable parts supply-not that you as a product owner (again, buying used comes with its' own caveat emptor and must be considered in a different context altogehther) should be "stuck" with or accept anything less than a bona-fide or otherwise highest-quality product-but I doubt you'd have the same chance of problems with brand new units.

And I'm right with you in that I too was concerned about the proximity of a cap to an output tube socket in my Magnum 88. Though I never had any problems from it, I brought it to Mark's attention when I had sent in my 88 for some other service (I had rolled a bad NOS inverter tube into the unit, and it subsequently blew out a different cap [i.e., not the cap next to the output tube] in the circuit path-my culpability in using a bad tube but I was fully taken care of without question or charge). Mark made the adjustment in moving the cap further away from the tube socket if for nothing else than my own peace of mind.

Sorry to hear you may have gotten a bad set of apples. I'd say don't give up on the 120's without having them properly serviced. And don't worry: no matter what amp(s) you ultimately end up with, chances are there will be someone in the asylum trolling around to "pour cold water" on them too ;)> .

Take care and beat of luck to you, Rookie.


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  • It's too bad... - Chuckster 05/13/0310:21:31 05/13/03 (0)

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