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1: Re: Try Altec A-7 VOTT (11.66)
Posted by SPL db on 2003-09-18, 05:11:21 (
Thanks for all the replies! I can't believe I forgot about the VOTT setup... You're right, that would be much closer to the setup I'm looking for! I'll take a look around and see what I can come up .......
2: Try Altec A-7 VOTT (11.66)
Posted by blahblah on 2003-09-18, 03:43:28 (
Duke is correct that you'll get more bass extension from a vented box vice a horn. The LaScalas are very good, but really need a large room (like the other Klipsch bass horns). Consider the Altec A-7 .......
3: RE: B&W CM10 and Polk's latest floor standers? (10.78)
Posted by RGA on 2015-03-05, 16:20:55 (
Well the Altecs being horns have a certain sound that isn't captured by traditional loudspeakers. When you take price and looks out of the equation it is quite possible for many folks to prefer the Al .......
4: sub for VOTT (10.36)
Posted by djn on 2003-11-10, 14:12:55 (
I need a sub for my future Altec VOTTs and can only spend about $3-400.00 any suggestions? .......
5: RE: Altec 511s...anyone know these? (7.52)
Posted by Uncle Mike on 2009-09-11, 15:43:00 (
They were used in some iterations of VOTT speakers so not only are they as good they are the real thing. .......
6: RE: Craigslist Rocks Again! (7.45)
Posted by Steyr on 2011-10-03, 06:53:24 (
Just picked up a mint Altec A5 VOTT for $200 delivered!?! .......
7: Dunlavy coffins and Altec VOTT horns (7.45)
Posted by Rob Thomas on 2004-12-30, 01:54:21 (
Really silly how much room they all take up. Looks ridiculous too. VERY different, yet both good. "Let me help..." .......
8: And, as pointed out in the Genelec thread, ... (7.38)
Posted by Inmate51 on 2014-03-03, 15:03:50 (
the Genelecs are *only* $12,000 a pair - WITH amplifiers. Why anyone would want a VOTT, other than for nostalgia, is beyond me. :) .......
9: RE: Klipsh and Cornells (7.38)
Posted by Altec Best on 2014-06-30, 09:53:08 (
I agree 604's would be nice.. You need a sub for the lower frequencies as well as the Vott's are a midbass horn.. .......
10: RE: I'll just leave this here... (7.38)
Posted by LineArrayNut on 2009-04-28, 06:09:22 (
well, I sure like them more than the Altec VOTT I've got, but I'm not horny, it seems, LOL! Just search my moniker to about 5 years ago...;-) I *like* the loudness button! .......
11: RE: If the heritage speakers were not satisfying to many (7.17)
Posted by Dr. S on 2007-09-25, 08:38:41 (
you would not see current production for the K-Horn, LaScallas, Tannoy Churchills, VOTT's, etc. Don't worry too much about what people say, concentrate on your own tastes and needs. Doc S. ::: TOPIC:: .......
12: Altec 511s...anyone know these? (6.98)
Posted by tbird71 on 2009-09-11, 14:33:22 (
I have a chance to buy a pr for 800...are they worth it? Are they as good as the VOTT Altecs? These are 1989-90 and made in PA...any help apprecited Tom .......
13: Re: Altec 846B (6.98)
Posted by Jaime G on 2002-07-09, 22:19:46 (
I found this website about Voice of the Theater, and upon looking at the photos in these pubs have come to a self-determination that the speakers I have are NOT VOTT speakers. Will continue my search .......
14: Re: Was at jazz club Saturday and it sounded incredible (6.77)
Posted by itsthemusic on 2002-08-05, 12:21:30 (
Get a pair of horns--you can pick up a pair of Altec VOTT for $1000 to$1200 and you'll be almost their(the club--that is) Bob .......
15: Altec A7 VOTT (6.77)
Posted by Don Bunce on 2003-10-03, 11:50:08 (
Best sounding 2-ways i've heard for rock music.If you want realistic levels and dynamics,HE horns are the way to go.Will make those "mini-monitors" sound like a table radio.... .......
16: RE: Home Theater (Very Lage) Speaker System (6.74)
Posted by djgaloot on 2009-09-05, 16:02:51 (
ALTEC VOTT Several different options here including Original A7s or Model 19's for a nicer look. They are higher efficiency and can play very loud and clear. Check into infinite baffle subs as an opti .......
17: RE: Surrounds to match Voice of The Theatre (6.51)
Posted by rkeman on 2014-06-10, 13:33:27 (
The smaller designs from the DIY Sound Group (e.g. Fusion 8) have dispersion patterns and tonal characteristics that should complement the Altec VOTT well. Another alternative would be the Hsu Researc .......
18: Subscribe to audioXpress magazine (6.46)
Posted by Bill Fitzmaurice on 2003-11-10, 15:30:49 (
and await the publication of my Tuba 30 horn loaded sub project. There is no inexpensive sub, and very few expensive ones for that matter, that will keep up with a VOTT. You should be able to build on .......
19: Re: SURVEY: To which speakers would you give these "awards"... (6.42)
Posted by itsthemusic on 2002-07-04, 09:11:07 (
BIG mistake--you have beautiful and ugly REVERSED!!! Bob I mean,of course, that the Altec wins in both sonic and visual beauty.The VOTT is a real classic example of modernist industrial design. Bob :: .......
20: Re: Altec A7 VOTT (6.42)
Posted by Tom Brennan on 2002-04-23, 17:11:51 (
Agreed, the VOT is the only speaker mentioned in this thread that can sound good with rock and roll music, by good I mean like the band is in the room with you. No way you can reproduce the sound of a .......
21: Voice of the Theater Crossover (6.37)
Posted by LilyHighFidelity on 2007-09-08, 05:52:16 (
I am searching for technical specs on Altec Lansing VOTT crossover. If anyone has information or a schematic of the crossover, I would appreciate your help. After purchasing a pair of cabinets, I woul .......
22: Re: bi-am or tri-amp altec VOTT (6.37)
Posted by Jim W on 2002-12-06, 04:19:08 (
Thanks for the specific recommendations. Is the 2405 better because of dispersion? I had originally selected the 2402 because it (at 110db) closely matched the 109db efficiency of the 288's (vs 105 fo .......
23: RE: Big speakers + small room = Bad? (6.37)
Posted by Inmate51 on 2012-06-28, 18:39:27 (
"I'm not talking VOTT I'm talking Generic, typical tall fat black old school tower with 2 "12" drivers, Dome tweeter midrange, about a foot deep. your average cliche "too big" speakers, heck a lot of .......
24: Re: sub for VOTT (6.22)
Posted by RBP on 2003-11-10, 15:00:50 (
Well your budget kicks what I was going to write...in the head..but I will write it anyway. The VOTT's are very powerful down to 70hZ and at 50hZ a few dB down. I feel it would take two subs to attemp .......
25: Altec A7 VOTT (6.18)
Posted by Don Bunce on 2002-04-23, 00:57:35 (
Check out the listings on ebay. I recently bought a pair for $600. Punch and dynamics? DEFINITELY!! Bite on guitars? YEP! Ability to play loud and clean with 60 wpc? NO PROBLEMO!! They may not score h .......
26: big Altecs (6.00)
Posted by mhardy6647 on 2006-05-01, 05:28:38 (
Voice of the Theatre, or a 604-n (unsuffixed, A, B, or C may be most preferred). all the best, mrh .......
27: Relative age concept (5.92)
Posted by Buzzard on 2002-08-26, 13:06:38 (
"Ya know yur gettin' old when ya can't stand the music on the radio". I think that happened to me sometime back in the early eighties. I have 4 pairs of Altec speakers in the basement; Barcelonas (197 .......
28: Re: bi-am or tri-amp altec VOTT (5.77)
Posted by djk on 2002-12-06, 18:10:43 (
The 2405 not only has better dispersion but it goes up higher too. The diaphragm is thinner. 7Khz is the minimum crossover point however. The level is not an issue as the 109dB 288s are either 16 or 2 .......
29: Re: Stratus Gold-i : Search has ended ... (5.49)
Posted by Rob Thomas on 2004-09-29, 14:39:39 (
I still have my Gold i's. They are a nice speaker. As with most any speaker, esp. one with decent bass extension, proper placement is critical to getting even bass response. I found driving them with .......
30: RE: Advatages of high effeciency speakers (5.48)
Posted by RGA on 2017-09-02, 16:36:21 (
According to John Atkinson - it is a fair comparison - you take ANY class A speaker he regards it to be superior to ANY class B speaker REGARDLESS of price. That means very clearly that he believes l .......
31: bi-am or tri-amp altec VOTT (5.31)
Posted by Jim W on 2002-12-05, 10:46:49 (
I am considering trying an active crossover on my rig. My zen se84c sounds great driving the 288s/805 and Altec 4i6s, but I would like to see how taking the low frequency load off sounds. Also, a have .......
32: Re: Altec horns ringing? (5.27)
Posted by itsthemusic on 2004-10-25, 13:05:20 (
You can try several things because they should sound much better than they do.I had a pr of VOTT with the metal 811 horn and 806 driver and they were very close in tone to the original Quad.In fact,th .......
33: Those are actually quite small. (5.12)
Posted by Bill Fitzmaurice on 2003-11-11, 13:38:47 (
Check the photos of personal systems of the guys in the high-efficiency forum if you want to see big. The physics of the thing is that to obtain a certain sound level and quality you either need a lar .......
34: Older Altecs Speaker ID help; (412c bi-flex with 3000H horns) (5.08)
Posted by Dingojazz on 2007-09-26, 17:21:35 (
Well, finally cracked the beautiful walnut cabs on my vintage yard sale Altecs, and although they're Valencia-sized, turns out they're not VOTT gear, as they're 12" LF bi-flex 412c's coupled with 3000 .......
35: How do you tell your best friend (4.95)
Posted by kavakidd on 2005-07-15, 07:26:18 (
that the Speakers you sold him (Vandersteen 2Cs) sound like shit in his room. He thinks they sound just fine - or - he's being kind. I suggested that they probably wouldn't work for him before he boug .......
36: RE: I like speakers (4.95)
Posted by theebadone on 2011-02-21, 10:47:32 (
The down side of the pro speakers are that most lack in bass, but a lot of people, including myself, use them with outstanding results. For example, the Altec vott is a pro speaker, but it has midrang .......
37: RE: Your favorite vintage speakers? (4.91)
Posted by David Yost on 2010-11-24, 03:55:37 (
I guess this depends on what you consider vintage, but here is a list of my favorites by decade -- I list only speakers that I have owned: Altec 604 in 606 corner reflex box/ A5 VOTT -- 50's Bozak Sym .......
38: RE: 2 simple truths (4.89)
Posted by RGA on 2011-08-13, 15:32:59 (
I liked the two examples - would have been helpful to hear the same recording - and I'm not a big fan of Patricia Barber - it's always the go to recording and while generally well recorded it seems to .......
39: Re: J B L & PAIN (4.85)
Posted by drafter on 2000-09-12, 10:11:08 (
Hi everybody, I am a podunk from a little town in Oregon USA and I have had electrostatics,planar magnetics,cheap dynamic speaks,expensive dynamic speaks, and now I am just getting into horns driven w .......
40: RE: Not an answer but Speaking of Tannoy... (4.74)
Posted by chocolate_lover9999@yahoo.com on 2014-08-14, 13:10:37 (
Neil Young mentioned in a recent interview with TAS that he uses them in his studio along with Altec VOTT's: TAS: What kind of stereo do you have at home? NY: I have a lot of McIntosh equipment that I .......
41: $800 ? (4.74)
Posted by djk on 2009-09-11, 23:06:50 (
What are you getting for $800? A pair of just the horns will go for more like $100. http://cgi.ebay.com/Altec-Lansing-511B-Horn-Pair-Lot-of-2-1204b-Set_W0QQitemZ300346204785QQcmdZViewItemQQptZVintage_ .......
42: RE: Voice of the Theater Crossover (4.64)
Posted by dbphd on 2007-09-08, 13:04:52 (
IIRC, the VOTT could be used with either of two sectorial horns for mid & HF duty, one much larger than the other. I assume the choice determines crossover, but it's been 50 years since I fiddled with .......
43: RE: A real audiophile (4.51)
Posted by Dr. S on 2007-08-31, 09:09:25 (
Needs more than one system. I think three (four if you include HT0 Is optimal. 1. A legacy system for analog (vinyl, tube, something really snappy like Tannoy or VOTT's, maybe even Paragons). Open, br .......
44: RE: From that point of view (4.47)
Posted by morricab on 2017-06-26, 15:02:29 (
In fact a lot of pro speakers do make good hifi speakers. However, it must be remembered that their goal is often high SPL without distortion to fill theaters and stadiums and this means they are rugg .......
45: ...Gordon says........! (4.43)
Posted by itsthemusic on 2006-10-13, 13:17:20 (
Gordon says..........! Well.....when Gordon was at my house a couple of months ago he remarked on the wonderfully alive mid-range of my present speakers.Over the years he's heard in my house(Martin .......
46: Re: bi-am or tri-amp altec VOTT (4.21)
Posted by djk on 2002-12-06, 02:22:07 (
The 2402 is not very good for home use. Sell it and get a 2403/04/05, 076/077 and passively cross at 7Khz. DOD crossovers are very low quality. The DBX crossovers built in the same plant after JBL/Har .......
47: RE: The 12 most significant louspeakers of all time (4.02)
Posted by Inmate51 on 2010-10-05, 11:35:19 (
The Shearer system certainly pioneered the development of cinema and other high output systems. Let's not forget that our good friend John Hilliard was the lead engineer, while Shearer funded the proj .......
48: MINI MONITORS part II - it dont mean a thing if it aint got that swing do wa do wa do wa.... (4.00)
Posted by rob99 on 2003-03-31, 15:36:34 (
ok folks I put up a post and most of you said i was 1 can short of a 6 pack. THATS OK LETS LOOK AGAIN AT THE MINIS: what are some of the best? ok i will tell you about a few i have heard and why they .......
49: presumably you are referring to whizzers and 'biflex' designs... (3.72)
Posted by mrh (Mark Hardy) on 2004-02-11, 08:32:31 (
... if so, here are your best resources (IMO). www.melhuish.org/audio Full-Range Driver website and Forum (link below) http://nleinternet.net/alteclansingunofficial/index.html (info on the classic Alt .......
50: Big speakers + small room = Bad? (3.65)
Posted by Raymond Leggs on 2012-06-28, 14:37:27 (
Depending on the definition of big, I'm not talking VOTT I'm talking Generic, typical tall fat black old school tower with 2 "12" drivers, Dome tweeter midrange, about a foot deep. your average clich .......
51: Old vs New speakers Designs- The best is.... (2.93)
Posted by Rolando Rozas on 2003-10-22, 04:16:40 (
To continue with this discussion from last page. Really little has occurred of significance in speaker design for over 30-40 years. Off the top of my head I can think of "better" woofers and high effi .......
52: REVIEW: Ohm Acoustics Corp. Ohm Walsh 4 Speakers (2.50)
Posted by Duboiz on 2010-07-24, 20:55:22 (
Model: Ohm Walsh 4 Category: Speakers Suggested Retail Price: $1995 Description: Ohm Walsh 4 speakers Manufacturer URL: Ohm Acoustics Corp. Model Picture: View Review by Duboiz on Ju .......
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