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Vinyl Asylum: Re: phono preamp design question by Nick

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Re: phono preamp design question

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Thanks for your time.
I'm using the 6922, yeah I know, very typical, but I happen to like it. It's also easy to get a hold of here in Norway.
The first stage will be cascoded with the cascode bias at 48 volts, either from batteries or from voltage divider supplied from the main voltage rails.
I use no kathode resistors in the diff-stage and 33kohms at anodes, giving me a gain of slightly under40dB (about 90times) in the first stage with 2mA idle current per half(4mA down the constant current source). Without the cascode the gain was a mere 22dB in the same setup.
The high gain gives the possibility of running the second, and last stage, at high current(close to the tube limit) and small valued anode resistors since here all i need is 20dB gain, or even a little less. I may opt for Lundahl LL1660 tranny at the output, but the circuit ideas remain the same. No kathode resistance here either since I'm leaving feedback out. no cascode in the last stage. The second stage will be direct coupled to the first, another benefit of using all differential stages.
The RIAA will be between the two stages, one on each phase of course, non-feedback type. The cascoded gainstage has relatively constant output impedance, making the RIAA EQ slightly easier to get right, I hope. I think I have it worked out, but if not I'll beg for help later:)
The supply will be in a seperate chassis, either with EZ80 or 5U4G rectifiers. (They're the ones I've got laying around). I intend to use a lot of capacitance and chokes, so might have to use the more potent of the two recifiers.
Well, I hope this says more of the ideas, and perhaps you have some useful hints? I'm trying to keep the circuit at only two stages, and think I'll get it okey like this.
I wonder if the battery bias for the cascode is worth it?
I'm trying to keep the input stage's bias relatively low at 4mA since I hope to use battery supply for it. Though with properly designed tube rectified supply this may be overkill. I must keep reminding me that I listen to vinyl less than 10% of my listening time.
Thanks again for your time, and any others too of course.

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Topic - phono preamp design question - Nick 04:57:36 09/8/00 ( 5)