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Vinyl Asylum: phono preamp design question by Nick

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phono preamp design question

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I'm on my last step before heating the iron to build a phonopre. There are a few things I plan to try out, but perhaps I also find some good feedback here premortum.
The phonopre is a tube design with balanced circuitry, long-tailed-pairs all the way. This gives me the option of connecting the pickup balanced, the gnd lead to the neg.input of the pre instead to ground.
In this case I use 23.5kohms at each input to give 47kohms total loading for the pickup. I'm hoping this will eliminate possible hum from gnd-loops wich at times may be amplified extremely well in phonopres.
Am I on the right track or waisting my time? Inputs would be greatly appreciated since time is something I just dont have a lot of...

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Topic - phono preamp design question - Nick 04:57:36 09/8/00 ( 5)