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Vinyl Asylum: Re: AR Pic of the Day by Goyescas

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Re: AR Pic of the Day

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Nice looking rig ndeed. As a former AR owner, I can relate!

I do have a question re your selection of the red armwand on teh Moerch. According to published lists, your cartridge (Benz Micro H2) has a compliance of 15 and weighs in at 6.8 grams. This would result in a calculated total arm/carridge resonance (RF) of 11.62 Hz. Acceptable, certainly, but I would think the ideal wand would be the heavier blue, which puts you closer to the arguably ideal RF of 8Hz; here it calculates as 9.21 HZ.

Moerch extra light gr) 0.000015 3.8 6.8 12.62
Moerch light (red) 0.000015 5.7 6.8 11.62
Moerch medium (yellow) 0.000015 7.4 6.8 10.91
Moerch heavy (blue) 0.000015 13.1 6.8 9.21

My question then is why the red armwand (I don't have Moerch's own table handy, so I have no idea if he rec'c this one for that cartridge) and, as a follow-up, did you measure the horizontal and vertical resonance using a test disc?

Thanks for your reply,


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Topic - AR Pic of the Day - grailer 20:01:20 08/26/03 ( 14)