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Vinyl Asylum: Re: VPI Power Conditioners: SDS vs. PLC ??? by Fear3000

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Re: VPI Power Conditioners: SDS vs. PLC ???

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> > Comments, Please!! < <

I lived with a HW19 'table which I took through the complete upgrade path [ie. mkIV, PLC, and SAMA - I've never heard the SDS]. The only difference the PLC seemed to make in my system was to make the motor vibrate [?]. OTOH, plugging the TT into one of the trasformer-coupled outlets on an API Power Wedge did seem to increase soundstage stability by a very small margin.

The mkIV upgrade, which IIRC retail for ~$800, made a greater difference than both the PLC and SAMA, but in no way would I call it a huge improvement; ultimately it was relativelly subtle.

Having read the rest of this thread, I can fully understand your motives behind wanting a rather substantial improvement in lieu of upgrading every few years. With that in mind, perhaps you may want to consider an all together new turntable? It seems that every time I log onto rec.audio.marketplace I see a new TNT mkIII being sold, as a package with the VPI arm, for ~$3500; similar discounts can be found on other fine 'tables as well. If you consider the cost of the upgrades to the HW19, and your 'table's resale value, you're pretty much in that ballpark.

FWIW, the most effective [and least expensive] upgrade I made to the HW19 consisted of a BS sandbox.

Best Wishes,

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Topic - VPI Power Conditioners: SDS vs. PLC ??? - Grant99 20:03:12 02/5/00 ( 11)