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Vinyl Asylum: Thanks. VPI Upgrade Cost?? by Grant99

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Thanks. VPI Upgrade Cost??

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I still can't make up my mind on what to do. I've also heard that the upgrade to Mk IV is greater (& less pricey?) but I'm really thinking about the SDS as an "addition" to the MK IV upgrade, not an either/or scenario.
I figure after 12 yrs. of pleasure, I owe it to upgrade her.
Do know the priceline on the Mk IV upgrade, and is it easy to do at home?

I guess auditioning the SDS would be the best thing, but my dealer doesnt reg. sell VPI's anymore...

Thanks for your tips on the TT's "feet", I've saved them on my harddrive for ref. for later.

Regarding your comments on cd vs. the VPI, my CD player isn't normally connected to my main system; I hate the sound of it, it has far worse soundstaging than any VPI could ever have. I know my system is capable of better soundstaging because I have heard the various components at the dealer individually...they sounded better...I believe I need to tinker with my SME IV.


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Topic - VPI Power Conditioners: SDS vs. PLC ??? - Grant99 20:03:12 02/5/00 ( 11)